Friday, 3 October 2014

Day 2: Love & Denim & Lace ...(a pr&p wannabe)

The denim challenge... Love, love, did I say Love! a denim jacket :) So this was going to be my project for PR&P this week:

But this is the thing...
I'm joining up with the Nester, Myquillyn Smith, who started a writing revolution on her blog every October called the 31 Day Challenge, which in her words, "has grown up and moved out and now has it's very own website!".
Choosing a theme to write about was challenging enough especially just starting out on this blogging adventure, but I'm choosing to share and record my heart stories , so to make it a little easier on myself, I'm going with the flow here :) Baby Woodsteps, people!

Day 2 of  My story, His story :

During worship at our fellowship, these words came up on the overhead screen; "God looks at the heart",
which referred to 1Peter3:4

 Inspiration arose ;)  for the denim challenge. This jacket would be for my tween daughter and how awesome would it be to have a visual reminder to her that although she is beautiful on the outside, her true beauty lies beneath the skin...In the intricately unique and wonderful way she was created by a God who adores her.

After sharing my thoughts with her, she came up with  the idea of a pocket that unzips to reveal a heart! How cool is that!

This jacket will be a part of my signature look for project run & play week 4 since I just missed linking up to the actual denim challenge, so more sewing details will follow soon :)

Till next time, be blessed!

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