Sunday, 5 October 2014

Day 4: Heart Stories from The Father's Heart

I believe that God speaks to our hearts. He wants us to know Him and be in a close love relationship with Him. He wants us to really know how much He Loves us!

 During this writing challenge I would also love to share Father Heart stories that others have experienced and to make it easier for me to keep writing , (baby Woodsteps remember), I'll be linking these up on the weekends.

This is a personal testimony by Kim Walker-Smith, a worship leader for Jesus Culture band. Her heart is to see people transformed by experiencing God's love and for this generation to see themselves the way God sees them. She believes that when that happens, hearts are set free.

Hoping you can hear God's heart for you in her story...

This is Day 4 of my; My story, His story  personal writing endeavour going on at Write 31 days. Click on over there to read what the other gazillion writers are inspired to share.

Till next time, be blessed!

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